A Wild West and Weird Western Fantasy punk STL Tabletop Terrain Set for 3D printing - 28 mm to 32 mm Miniature Wargaming and RPGs
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Update 9: Upcoming Survey and Backerkit Information
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, May 08, 2023 at 11:45:22 AM
Hello Everyone!
Today I wanted to do a quick update on Backerkit, upcoming surveys, and file delivery, and to provide a more general idea of the schedule over the next few days.
My hope is to get everything sent as soon as possible;this schedule is a rough estimate based on our current pending review.
Project Review by Backerkit team pending (Today through Friday)
After Backerkit's review and final approval, the limited test surveys will be sent to emails (May 13 to 19)
Once the test surveys are completed, all remaining surveys will be sent in the same period of time.
NOTE:If you need to change your email, please let me know in a direct message so we can change it in Backerkit's system - I can also send you aunique URL with yourBackerkit survey information once they are sent
An update on Kickstarter to notify everyone of more specific details, and I can offer any furtherassistance you may need!
File delivery will be completed as surveys come back and I can hit send!
Thank youfor your patience in the process, and please let me know if you have any questions!
Update 8: Thank you Westernpunk Adventurers! The Sun has officially set on the campaign!
almost 2 years ago
– Fri, May 05, 2023 at 06:06:34 AM
The campaign has officially come to an end. My sincerest thanks to everyone of you who has supported this project and made it possible for me to continue my artistic efforts on this Westernpunk themed adventure! This set of models is one I have had in mind for many years and I can't wait to get these files delivered and onto your printers at home!
All of our file sets are completed and all of the delivery packs are ready to go! Backerkit Surveys will be our next step in the process over the next week or two. I will do everything I can to get these files out within the shortest amount of time possible as well.
I am currently beginning that process, and will be waiting for approvals from the Backerkit support team. We will do a small test with a limited number of surveys being sent to make sure everything is working properly in the coming days. Once everything is in order, the remaining surveys willbe sent to every inbox as soon as I get the green light.
I will have more information as soon as I begin the Backerkit survey setup, so stay tuned!
Thank you all for your support, suggestions and kind words on this project! If you have any questions about the campaign or survey process, please send me a message either through Kickstarter, in the comments, or at ArchangelDesign3d at gmail.com, and I will respond as soon as I can with assistance!
Update 7 - Quick Draw - Bonus Blank Signs Additions Based on Backer Request
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, May 04, 2023 at 08:40:55 AM
Hello Everyone!
Thank you for your suggestions and ideas! I have added some more blank signs to our set.
Today is a quick update based on last night's backer suggestions, I have done some edits overnight to our existing signs to provide an extra bonus pack of blank options. I have been thinking of ways to add these expansions over the past few weeks, but I decided to do this bonus pack to start, and once everything else is completed, I may be able to revisit this idea for more options if need be.
Included is default blank signs from our village
There is one blank roof for every shop building in the set excludesthe Sheriff, Jail, Town Hall and Station Depot
There are two signs which fit all the main two story row shop bases, so these will be moremodular and can be used with several of the included pieces including the general store, the gunsmith, the bakery, the cafe, as all the peg holes should align.
8 Blank Signs
For now the most effective way to provide this customizable extra was to manually remove the lettering from our existing signs. There is more that I can potentially provide at a later date, but I will need to see what is possible in terms of providing a customizable 3D lettering pack. I have to run some further tests to ensure the integrity of these new files, but they will be included with the entire set.
Thank you all so much for your support, and suggestions. I will see you all with a new update in a very short time!
Update 6: The Sun is Setting on our Westernpunk Adventure - Gunsmith Addition! Saloon Scale Boost Pieces Added!
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, May 01, 2023 at 08:15:37 AM
Hello Westernpunks!
The final days of our exciting Kickstarter adventure are fast approaching; soon we will hit the 48 hour mark!
I'll have more to share within the next few days, but today, I wanted to share our final addition this week, the Gunsmith.
This building also features the rear access door as is shown on some of our other buildings including the Saloon and the Trade Post.
Test print - I have made some small likely unoticed enhancements for details that will be added to our final models.
There is a working door on this back portion as well, but in these photos, I have forgotten to attach it.
Multiple access doors on the base level as well
Also, before I forget to mention, I have made some small improvements to some of the existingmodels during the campaignas well. Iwill list these below:
Saloon: An additional sliced version model of the Saloon with key together pieces will be included along with the original for enhanced scaling options if you would like to scale it exponentially for a scenario or use it as a primary centerpiece.
My original idea was to have the Saloon be slightly larger for an arena style piece, and I was able to add that as a secondary option to be delivered with all the other files as I was working on other models throughout this campaign period.
All Models: Final inspections are completed and some small aesthetic changes for more detail or definition while painting have been made. In some cases, I have added 10 percent height to a part or door frame for better clearances or fit. Overall, these changes are not very noticeable from my printings, but I take notes on each model after I complete them and create a list of possible improvements, which I was able to add.
A test printing scaled down to 85 percent to match the model railroad scale better from one of our backers - Thank you for your help with this project!
One of our backers was kind enough to run a test printing for me this past week, and scale down to 85 percent to match the model railroad scale. Thank you for your help with this project!
As we reach the end of the campaign, I will have more information in the days ahead regarding surveys and Backerkit for distribution. The Backerkit survey is a fairly easy process, but if anyone needs any assistance, or has any issues, I will be able to help everyone as we get set up for direct downloads. Thank you everyone for supporting this artistic adventure! I will have more very soon, so please stay tuned for our next update!
Update 5: Hangman's Gallows and Funeral Home Additions!
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 08:19:17 AM
Hello Everyone!
For this week's update, I can finally showcase our working gallows piece!
There is a 1.75mm filament to both act as the door hinge and as the pin to drop the door when ready.
I have a 1.75mm filament hinge and a removable filamentpin to drop the door. So if you have everything set up with a rope, you can actually get the gallows to work properly!
Remove the pin and let the door drop down.
Rope tips: For proper scale rope, I recommend using a seven thread style of paracord and cutting off a decent sized piece to work with. Remove one of the threads inside of the lining, and you'llhave a properly scaled rope. To get the color, you can dip it in a dye or diluted paint and let it dry out, and you'll have an awesome realistic rope for your tabletop miniatures.
Here is a picture of the gallows in town for some scale
To compliment the darker theme of today's update, here is a look at our funeral home as well! If you get the title reference on this one, remember, push push push, Williams!
This is another standard two story structure. The roof still opens on this one, but it is sloped unlike our other models, sharing the cafe's design layout.
Also, this includes second story stairs and floor cut just like the other models also included in the set.
Willoughby& Son Funeral Home has the side door as well
That's all I have for this week; I'm super excited to get these files out to everyone next month! Next week will be our final week for the Kickstarter campaign; I hope everyone has had fun with our weekly updates. I should have a few more items to share coming up soon and some information regarding surveys. Thank you all for your support and please stay tuned!